North Carolina Fresco Trail

North Carolina boasts an array of captivating frescoes, residing in 19 distinct locations. Among these artistic marvels, you will uncover a remarkable collection consisting of 6 secular paintings and 13 Christian-themed works. Visit NC Frescoes and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of North Carolina’s breathtaking artistic heritage.

Haywood Street Congregation

Haywood Street Congregation

Asheville, NC

Write a brief description and/or of this fresco


First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

Located in the entrance hall of the fellowship building, The Parable of the Good Samaritan is 28 feet long and painted in true 15th-century fresco style.


Transamerica Dome

Transamerica Dome

Charlotte, NC

Continuum is Ben Long’s first curved surface and exterior fresco.  The subject matter represents the cycle of life’s continuous disintegration and rebirth, thus reinforcing the notion that the more things change, the more they remain the same.


St. Peter's Catholic Church

St. Peter's Catholic Church

Charlotte, NC

In 2002, a large portion of Long’s fresco behind the main altar fell due to construction surrounding the church, and it was unable to be repaired. But framed portions of the original fresco still adorn various parts of the church.


Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary

Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary

Charlotte, NC

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Bank of America Corporate Center

Bank of America Corporate Center

Charlotte, NC

The series of frescoes at now Bank of America was a monumental undertaking for Long and his team of artists. It was his first secular work, as well as his largest.


Law Enforcement Center

Law Enforcement Center

Charlotte, NC

Long’s final fresco in Charlotte, in the Law Enforcement Center’s lobby, details the duties of a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer.


Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Glendale Springs, NC

Features the fresco of “The Lord’s Supper” by Ben Long, a North Carolina native. Other works include Jeffrey Mims’ fresco “The Departure of Christ.” The church dates to the early 1900s.


Prodigal Chapel

Prodigal Chapel

Montreat, NC

Long brings to life Jesus’s story about a wayward son who ran through his inheritance in riotous living, only to return home to a father’s love and forgiveness.


Hinson Museum, Wingate College

Hinson Museum, Wingate College

Wingate, NC

Ben Long’s work True Art is to Conceal Art represents the idea that artistry and creativity can never be destroyed.


Morganton Municipal Auditorium

Morganton Municipal Auditorium

Morganton, NC

Benjamin F. Long, IV selected the nine Muses of Greek mythology as fitting subjects to decorate the ceiling in the atrium because of their legendary role in inspiring all human endevors in the arts and sciences.


Statesville Civic Center

Statesville Civic Center

Statesville, NC

The concept of crossroads dominates the Stateville fresco, as the city is quite literally at the crossroads, from its proximity to two major interstates to its shifting focus. 


St. Paul's Episcopal Church

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Wilkesboro, NC

St. Paul’s Church traces its beginnings to 1836 and in 2002 international  artist, Benjamin F. Long, IV, painted two frescoes depicting the story of St. Paul at the church.


Sloop Chapel, The Crossnore School

Sloop Chapel, The Crossnore School

Crossnore, NC

Completed in 2006, the fresco at The Crossnore School renders the scripture of Mark 10:14, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” It features children who were residents at The Crossnore School.


St. Mary's Episcopal Church

St. Mary's Episcopal Church

West Jefferson, NC

The Mystery of Faith was done in the summer of 1977. It is said that Ben never quit working on the fresco even during the middle of church service. He did stop to accept communion but then went right back to work.


St. Paul's Episcopal Church

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Winston Salem, NC

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Meet the Artist

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.

Ben Long

The Art of Fresco

For many Americans, frescoes are usually associated with distant places and artists long since passed away – Michelangelo’s ceiling at the Sistine Chapel perhaps being the prime example.

But here in North Carolina, this most ancient of the arts – after all, cave paintings are considered a form of fresco – is experiencing a remarkable renaissance, thanks to the efforts of one of North Carolina’s most talented native sons: Ben Long of Asheville.


    Frescos were referred to as the Bibles of the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries where religious art spread as Bible ownership spread.

    There are two forms of mural painting, Secco and True Fresco, and generally requires a team of people to complete.

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